With a monotony, reminiscent of the four yearly American presidential cycles, the hash embarks upon an annual pilgrimage to conduct what is known as the "Cotter" run. The hasher previously known as SCARLETT, places an imperial gallon of Motor Spirit into his 1922 Datsun Insult and sets out three days before the event from olde Canberra town. The trail this year has been set on chalk and flour in some old and some new territory. The pack inevitable enjoys the run despite the fact that we are all as sore as buggery the next day. 43 hashers gathered in the shadow of the new Cotter dam in the heat of the ACT midsummer, chatting to their fellow sufferers, awaiting the "Off". FUDGET arrives on his electrical velocipede have scoured the hills of the Cotter region for the correct carpark. The hare insinuates that some of us may be getting moist during the run. We head off on the walking trails that weave there way around the area and into a creek. 400 metres later, the first check and swimming stop. Everyone's socks and shoes are full of sand, water and trees. There's not enough time for the backmarkers to do anything about it so off we go up the hill, more dirt in the shoes, labouring for breath, a couple of kilometres of traditional hash bush trail then inevitably back into the creek. Over the road, up more hills, down the other side and we fall into the Dam picnic area and the drink stop. The backmarkers even score some chips, although we find out later that these are the chips that CRASH and BURN rejects "Cos they taste like arse" Back at the venue, a chance to empty the shoes of contaminants, and into the shenanigans of the circle. CAPT Hornblower recounts how we all conquered the bush and moistness. We sing the Hare song and fall short of the verses record (10) by four verses. FRIZZY LIZZIE and SEXCHANGE try to out weatherman the WEATHERMAN, not even coming close. FRIZZY's singing voice makes me wish i never had ears. SEXCHANGE insinuates that she has a number of surprising layers, just like an onion. There were a heap of returnees, as this particular event tends to bring lots of hashers out of the closet. The RA was seen to wallow in a sickly coating of self agrandisment due to the particularly good weather. And was brought straight back to earth by the stand in, stunt double, faxsimile, cardboard cutout, roneoed GM. GREASE NIPPLE charged INFALLABLE for being seen in Woolies. Heinous crime. GREASE NIPPLE was then charged for being dressed as a caveman, in the stream, post run. ANKLE BITER was charged for being a serial waxer. (yes the word is waxer) CRASH and BURN reminded us all that he is a sucker for the cock and also enjoys the odd Victoria Bitter. Because CAPT HORNBLOWER was displaying hash nudity all soldiers had a drink. K-WINE, was charged and went off like a firecracker believing the charge to be false. (Fancy that, who would have thought) CRUNCHY and BETTY BOOP were chaged for being drain cleaners on the side. It being Waitangi day, all Kiwis and Kiwi wannbe's had a drink, CAPT PUGWASH gave us a famously good rendition of the Masterbatemens song, as he deemed it appropriate to do so. As alluded to in Para Two (see Frizzy, i can do paragraphs) FUDGET arrived late, and so, all the wankers who beeped him as they passed him were invited to partake of a marvelous warm TUN LIGHT, a drink which we hold in very high esteem. SCARLET had wet shoes and GREENFINGER had new shoes. DUCKHEAD had a bandaged right arm which attracted no sympathy whatsoever. GREASE NIPPLE - No Horn. CRASH and BURN - To much horn. no happy medium there. FRIZZY LIZZIE was outed as the perenial media tart WRT blackberries CRASH and BURN had "oral fixation" added to his list of degenerate activities. BIG BOY pointed out that DUCKHEAD left $10 on his (BIGBOYs) bedside table after the boxing day run for services rendered. In a very awkward moment, SEXCHANGE serenaded MATILDA and BUSHMAN for no apparent reason beyond the fact that he had a song in his noggin that just had to come out !!!!! CAPT HORNBLOWER surprisingly, was awarded the Front Running Bastard award CAPT HORNBLOWER surprisingly, was awarded the Little Prick CAPT HORNBLOWER surprisingly, was awarded the Big Prick MEAT acheived the not insignificant feat of being seen to leave 999 times BUSHMAN and MATILDA have been seen to leave 22 times GERBILS has been seen to leave 555 times and, TURKEY SLAP 25 times Well done to you all Cracker of the week was awarded to HELLO KITTY, we all sang "turning Japanese" by The Vapors The Harriets charity run raised $870 The Capital 1900 run will take place on Saturday 18 Mar 2017 The ACT Full Moon AGPU will take place on 11 Mar 17 at McDermott place, Lake Ginnenderra (See Calendar)